Friday, 23 January 2015

                      Getting to Know Your International Contacts –Part 1

 Being resourceful and being abreast with development and economic issues as they paten to young children is what is expected of us as early childhood teachers and advocates. As early childhood teachers we should be able to nourish our professional lives by constantly making contacts with others in the profession so that we will be able to give the best to the children and families that are entrusted to us and also have knowledge of issues and trends of early childhood field when we engage people in discussion.
This week I decided to listen to an audio podcast because I did not get any poverty related information from my conversation partners.
The title of the podcast I listened to is changing the world for girls and the participants were Dr Judith N. Walker a co-founder of Development Research and Project sector based in the northern part of Nigeria and Dr Adefunke a lecturer in Tai Solarin University of Education in Nigeria.
Even though poverty is not the actual focus in this discussion but it is related to poverty in a way. They talked about why the girl child don’t go school because of early marriage due to the poor economical statue of some  families, and the moment this girls start having children they cannot go back to school because schools don’t accept  them that way.
Its poverty that makes most parents send their children into early marriage because during this process of negotiation most of the spouses agree to send these little girls to school but after having children there is no more negotiation.

What I learnt from this podcast is that poverty has always been an obstacle that keeps the girl child away from school and it will continue if something is not done to stop it. The insights and information about issues of poverty I believe I got from this podcast is, poverty is not only when someone lacks food to eat or the bare necessities of live, poverty could be lack of information on how to make your life a better one.


  1. What a great blog post! I especially enjoyed your statement about poverty not only being a lack of food, or money. It could be a lack of knowledge, information or even education. Very insightful. I feel like we have so much of that here in America, we don't even have to look outside of the US to find many of these red flags of poverty. It's so hard because my heart wants to help them all.

  2. Enjoy reading your post and your good points that poverty not only being a lack of food, or money, but also could be a lack of knowledge, information or even education. I also heard that poverty village have always keeps the girl child away from school in China. Because they think that after marriage the girls are no longer belong to their family but for husband's side. They do not want to invest in girl's education.

  3. I enjoyed reading your post!!! Yes, you are right poverty is not only being a lack of food to eat or the bare necessities of live. Its good to learn new insight about other countries , and how they live. I couldn't imagine the things that they go through in life. I try not to be judgemental about situations, but in some cases people have to do whatever there culture judgemental are.

  4. Hello Patience

    I agree poverty is not just looking how one family dress's or speak it about understanding their needs and helping them to find peace within themselves.
    These may come listing to their conversation, and finds was to be an advocate to help meet their goals, and not judge them because, one may have had an cruel lifestyle.
