Thursday 20 September 2018

                                Is It A Fashion No-No to Buy Multiples of The Same Exact Item?
                                                                        I Do It A Lot!

What do you have as an excuse for purchasing more than one of the same items? I don’t believe it is a fashion no-no. I feel if a top, a pant, a culotte or a dress fits perfectly, affordable or within your budget, you should go for it.

      To some people this is absolutely a fashion no-no. However, some ladies with a very busy schedule put the blame on their very tight schedule. I am one of a zillion shoppers that gravitate towards buying two or more of the same exact items. As a matter of fact, I have four colors of a particular top.

         In my opinion, I think there are hidden benefits if you do this. You don’t only get the items. However, there is an inner satisfaction you get, and it is therapeutic.

                    What do you think?
                     Do you think am out of my mind?
                      Let's get talking!!

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