Saturday, 12 September 2015

Creating Affirming Environment.
One of our greatest responsibilities as early educators is to be able to identify and create a suitable environment that best represent our wide range of diverse children and families. My idea of an anti-bias environment is on that put into cognizance the needs and requirements of children of children and families under their care.
My family day care will have pictures of different cultures, and ethnicity so that each child and family will feel at home whenever they are in the day care, this will make them relaxed and be part of our day care, by so doing no family will be left out. Our toys, pictures, posters and art works will show the range of different family structures, economic backgrounds and various religion.
A wide variety of families representing various races and ethnicity, performing all types of jobs, making sure that both women and men are represented in the jobs will be used in our picture collection in order to erase stereotypical behavior from the children.
People with disabilities will not be left out. We will make sure that we have posters that shows that both men, women, boys and girls can be physically challenged too. We will also show that they all have families just like every other child. Picture of them working and sharing family fun time will be represented too.
We will like to represent the different skin tone of different races and ethnicity just like Adriana Castillo did but in our own unique way. The different skin tone will be our uniquely made big throw pillows which will help comfort this children at drop of time when they don’t want to leave their parents. Our reasons for doing this is because children that are so attached to their parents will be easily be comforted with things that reminds them of their parents, so I believe this will help.


  1. Hi Patience,

    I like your ideas in setting up your Family Child Care Center, sometimes it is difficult to ask families about their home life. Therefore, "Ensuring that every family feels welcome and comfortable creates a crucial foundation for mutually respectful relationships" (Derman-Sparks, & Olsen Edwards, 2010, p. 37). I can vividly remember having a positive environment that helped me become confident and an independent individual. I remember my childhood moments when I felt safe at home as well as in school. I could connect to a caring adult and engage in learning. Great ideas! Thank you for sharing!


    Derman-Sparks, L, & Olsen Edwards, J (2010). Anti-bias education for Young Children and Ourselves. Washington. D.C National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

  2. Hi Patience,
    I enjoyed reading your blog. I like the concept you present about your Family Child Care Center. It is important that children get a visual image of diversity depicted through pictures as well as materials and toys in their learning setting should reflect that. " In addition to seeing themselves in their learning environment, children also need materials that honor diversity both within and beyond their own identity groups (Derman-Sparks. p.43)."

    (Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. 2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
