Saturday, 23 August 2014

This past eight weeks has been a challenging time but in a good way, I started this course with out an iota of what I am getting into. But with the help of my wonderful colleagues I am able to get to this point. You all and Dr Parrish have been a very good support system to me. I thank you Dr Parrish, for guiding me through and also believing in me and  my colleagues I am happy  to belong to this community of highly inspired individuals that derive joy in bringing up children and supporting their families.I have learnt from early childhood professionals that to take care of children I have to be abreast with current happenings and also network with my colleagues. I couldn't have done this with out all of you thanks so much and I believe this is just the beginning of a life long career path for us all I hope to meet you guys again.


  1. Hi patience,

    Thank you for your commitment to this course and sharing your personal experiences both good and bad. I have been reminded of the importance for inclusion and awareness for diversity, not just in the sense of acknowledgement but for action to be taken in a positive initiative. The confidence you have displayed to share such difficulties as been refreshing to see and compelling to stand for. Thank you and I pray you have a successful journey in your career.

  2. Patience,
    It has been a joy to get to know you better and to learn about the situations you deal with in your country. This has been my first experience of having a classmate who actually both lives in and is from a different country. In the past, my classmates have either been military living in a foreign country or people that have moved to the US from a different country. Good luck in your pursuit of your degree.

  3. It has bee a pleasure getting to know you these past weeks. I have really learned a lot from you and the other colleagues I wish you great success in the future
