Saturday, 23 August 2014

This past eight weeks has been a challenging time but in a good way, I started this course with out an iota of what I am getting into. But with the help of my wonderful colleagues I am able to get to this point. You all and Dr Parrish have been a very good support system to me. I thank you Dr Parrish, for guiding me through and also believing in me and  my colleagues I am happy  to belong to this community of highly inspired individuals that derive joy in bringing up children and supporting their families.I have learnt from early childhood professionals that to take care of children I have to be abreast with current happenings and also network with my colleagues. I couldn't have done this with out all of you thanks so much and I believe this is just the beginning of a life long career path for us all I hope to meet you guys again.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment
Section 1
Ethical Responsibilities to Children
1-1.3 To recognize and respect the unique qualities, abilities and potential of each child. Every child is gifted. They just unwrap their packages at different times. I believe every child has great potentials but they all learn at their own pace. For me to be able to work with diverse children I should be able to identify their unique qualities and also have the patience to learn along with them. According to Palm Leo “you can’t teach children to behave better by making them feel worse. When children feel better, they learn better”
Section 111
Ethical Responsibilities to colleagues.
1-3A.2- To share resources with co-worker, collaborating to ensure that the best possible early childhood care and education program is provided.
No man is an Island and for us to work effectively for the benefit of the children we need a very big support system. We get this support by collaborating, sharing resources with our colleagues or working as a team. As a professional, sharing resources with colleagues is a big step towards achieving our goals.
Section IV
Ethical Responsibilities to Community and Society
P-4.4- We shall carefully check references and shall not recommend for employment any person whose competence, qualification or character makes him or her unsuited for the position.
Even though a child’s first place of learning is at home, the teachers do a lot of teaching and molding of a child’s character too. Of all the things schools can give students to help them succeed, effective teachers are the best bet. In education research, having an effective teacher consistently rises to the top as the most important factor in learning-more so than the student ethnicity or family income, school attended, or class size (Center for Public Education 2005). Acquiring early childhood knowledge will help my professional life positively.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Early Childhood Education Quotes

A quote from KidsMatter Early Childhood. Did you know their Facebook Page is now live? Like them here:  -- KidsMatter Early Childhood is a mental health and wellbeing initiative for early childhood education and care services.

Early Childhood Quote ;)

"Every Child is a Different Kind of Flower, and All Together, Make This World a Beautiful Garden."
Quotes from "".

My Course Resource Center.

My Early Childhood Course Resource Center.
·         Video: Laureate Education, Inc(2010).The resources for early childhood. Baltimore: Author
·         NAEYC. (2009). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through 8. Retrieved May 26,2010, from
·         NAEYC.(2009). Where we stand on child abuse prevention. Retrieved May 26, 2010,from
·         NAEYC.(2009).Where we stand on school readiness. Retrieved May 26,2010 from
·         NAEYC.(2009) Where we stand on responding to linguistic and cultural diversity. Retrieved May 26,2010, from
·         NAEYC.(2003). Early childhood curriculum, Assessment, and program evolution: Building an effective, accountable system in programs for children birth through age8. Retrieved May 26, 2010,from
·         NAEYC.(2009,April).Early childhood inclusion: A summary. Retrieved May 26,2010, from NAEYC ECSummary A.pdf
·         Zero to three: National Center for  Infants, Toddlers, and Families.(2010). Infant-toddler policy agenda. Retrieved May 26,2010 from pub infanttoddler
·         FPG child Development Institute.(2006, September). Evidence-based practice empowers early childhood professionals and families.(FPG Snapshot, No 33).Retrieved May 26,2010, from Snapshot N33 EvidenceBasedF2006.pdf
Tumull, A Zuna, N., Hong,J.Y., Hu X, Kyzar, K.,Obremski, S., et al.(2010).Knowledge-to-action guides. Teaching Exceptional CHILDREN, 42(3), 42-53.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
·         Part 2: Global Support for Children’s Rights and Well-Being
·         Article: UNICEF (n.d). Fact sheet: A summary of rights under the convention on the Rights of the child. Retrieved May 26,2010, from overview.pdf
·         Websites:
      .  World Forum Foundation
          This link connects you to the mission statement of this organization. Make sure to watch the media segment on this webpage
.World organization for Early Childhood Education
  Read about OMEP’s mission
 .Association for Children Education International
·         National Association for the Education of Young  Children
·         The Division for Early Childhood
·         Zero to three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers,and Families
·         WESTED
·         Harvard Education Letter
·         FPG Child Development Institute
·         Administration for Children and Families Headstart’s  National Research Conference
·         Highscope
·         Children’s Defense Fund
·         Center for Child Care Workforce
·         Council for Exceptional Children
·         Institute for Women’s Policy Research
·         National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education
·         National Child Care Association
·         National Institute for Early Education Research
·         Pre[K]Now
·         Voices for America’s Children
·         The Erikson Institute

·         YC Young Children
·         Childhood
·         Journal of child& family studies
·         Child study Journal
·         Multicultural Education
·         Early Childhood Education Journal
·         Journal of Early childhood Research
·         International Journal of Early Childhood
·         Early childhood Research Quarterly
·         Developmental Psychology
·         Social studies
·         Maternal & Child Health Journal
·         International Journal of Early Years Education

Web pages