Jobs/Roles in the
ECE Community
One of the early
childhood organization I am really interested in is the Association of Early
Childhood Educators Ontario. This is one of the first early childhood
organization that I subscribed to their newsletter so as to be current with the
trends in early childhood. The reason why I chose this organization as my
support system is because of what they have to offer as regards to early
childhood and teacher education. Their mission statement includes
Supporting the professional growth of early
childhood educators through the provision and promotion of ongoing professional
development, training and best practices;
Advocating on behalf of the profession;
Promoting and supporting quality early learning
and care as an integral part of a child’s healthy development;
Disseminating research, educational resources
and topical information about early learning and care to the public, government
and other related professionals;
Coordinating opportunities for communication and
networking among early educators and others interested in early childhood education and care;
Promoting and supporting research and
advancement in the field of early childhood education and care;
Building capacity and leadership between the
profession, communities and stakeholder groups to advocate for children and
Making known to parents and the general public
the value and importance of early childhood education and early childhood
educators and;
Facilitating certification and supporting
equivalency of early childhood educators.
I chose this association because they are not only into in
the business of promoting quality early learning and care but they also make
sure they advocate for a better working condition, better wages for early
childhood educators in Ontario and also job satisfaction.
Another organization that appealed to me is the association
of teacher educators (ATE). Their job basically is to support quality teacher
education in Kansas by cooperating with the National Association of teacher
Educators and with other professional organizations and institutions that is
interested in making sure that the teachers get the best in their profession as
The third organization that appeals to me would be the
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). They are into
promoting quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8.
They also advocate for policies that best suits approaches that put all
children’s ability into perspectives, focusing on children living in poverty,
multilingual children, children of color, children with disabilities. I call
this organization a diverse and anti-bias organization because of their input
to help families get access to quality education irrespective of who they are.
I noticed that there are early childhood jobs available in Ontario
but not under the auspices of the association of early childhood educators
Ontario. The job description is basically to organize and lead activities for
school age children that are designed to encourage intellectually, physical and
emotional growth. To provide engaging and developmentally appropriate
activities, utilize appropriate behavior management techniques in all
interactions with children.
The skills and experience I would need to competently fulfill
this role is to have Early childhood Education (ECE) or Early Childhood
Education Assistant (ECA) or equivalent. First Aid/CPR certified.