Saturday, 25 April 2015

Thinking of Research
For the past eight weeks I have realized that carrying out a research takes a lot of systematic approaches in order to get to the bottom of an issue or better still to increase the knowledge or resolve a troubling problem and give a better understanding to a situation.
My ideas about research has changed in a way that I have come to know  that in carrying out  researches  there are certain ethics that we need to adhere  to in order not to go beyond certain boundaries. This could be respect for  certain cultures, making sure the subjects of a research knows all about the research and what it entails before the research could be carried out on them.
One amazing thing I learnt about research in this course is the Risk/Benefit Equation that needs to be weighed before a research could be carried out and this is a very important factor that guides the decision making in carrying out a research and it states, “The greater the benefit to be gained from the piece of research the more risks are acceptable”.
The lessons I have learnt about planning, designing and conducting a research in the early childhood field is that carrying out a research in this field is guided by different paradigm and methods basically driven by the researcher’s interest and beliefs, but most especially a research should be planned, designed and carried out in a way that it will get the pass mark of being valid, reliable and free from biases.
Some of the challenges I encountered during this past eight weeks is Identifying a major topic that is researchable and within the scope that I can work with, creating a subtopic and also having to put my subtopic in an hypothetical manner.
As a result of this course I have come to a level that I now know that in early childhood profession it’s all about giving the best when it comes to approaches in research, taking care of children and giving a family a helping hand, and bringing up children in a holistic way. It’s always about giving the best, and in the process of getting the best we have to collaborate with one another.(All stake holders in early childhood field.)
It has been quite an educational journey, having to learn alongside with every one of my colleagues, your discussion posts and questions have helped me understand this course better; it wouldn’t have been easy without you all. I hope to cross parts with you all again God willing and I wish you all a greater understanding in other courses to come

Friday, 3 April 2015

Research Around the World
ECDVU Sub-Saharan African (SSA)
The ECDVU mission statement is ‘To further develop African ECD leadership capacity as a key strategy in support of child, family and community well-being and broader social and economic development’.
The Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) is all about capacity building and leadership development in Africa using diverse approaches and they are supported by a range of international, regional and local organizations, including the employers of participants. The diverse approaches used in achieving their goals includes residential seminars, web-based instructions, CD-ROM and print material support and ‘a community of learners’ strategy within and among cohort countries.
The fact, insights and new ideas about early childhood I gained from exploring this international website, is the ECDVU philosophy which says ‘for knowledge to be relevant and maximally useful, it should be generated through an interaction of knowledge and believes arising from many sources-indigenous and external. To achieve these candidates that take part in this leadership training were chosen by their country and strategically positioned to function as key interactors, serving as transmitters, receptors and facilitators, within and outside their countries.
This reminds me of how collaboration and interacting with colleagues helps us in achieving our goals to help bring up a total child following a holistic approach.
The other noteworthy information I found in this website is that participation in ECDVU is an investment not only in the candidates as capable and committed individuals, but also and primarily, in improving the well-being of children, families and communities in their countries.
This all about a lifelong investment in the early childhood, and an ongoing professional development that will not only be beneficial to the ECD professionals enrolled for the program but also for the children, families and community.